HCMR offers Virtual Access to data from it’s POSEIDON system as part of the JERICO-S3 H2020 Project

The POSEIDON system stands as a progress indicator in oceanographic data collection, offering comprehensive services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its users and stakeholders. Operated by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) – Institute of Oceanography in the Aegean and Ionian Seas, POSEIDON puts data to use from a range of oceanographic platforms, including fixed stations, the Ferry Box System, gliders, and Argo Floats. All this information is made accessible through the POSEIDON portal.

The system offers a thorough grasp of the ever-changing conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, drawing on physical and biochemical attributes of the marine environment, coupled with atmospheric data obtained from stationary sites. Its vital forecasting component incorporates four numerical models. These models provide daily projections encompassing atmospheric patterns, sea conditions, hydrodynamics, and ecological factors, greatly enhancing the predictive capacities of both researchers and stakeholders.

Central to POSEIDON’s value proposition is its online database, a repository of data recorded by the In situ platforms. This resource also offers functionalities for seamless data retrieval. Additionally, a user-friendly tool is at hand to access the results derived from all forecast models over the past decade, streamlining the process of gathering crucial insights.

The beneficiaries of the POSEIDON include, but are not limited to: Researchers and academics; Government organisations; Environmental agencies; and Private enterprises.

Notably, POSEIDON’s impact extends far beyond professional spheres. With an average of 1.6 million monthly users, this system plays a pivotal role in the lives of the general public. This figure surges to a staggering 3 million during periods of extreme weather events, underscoring its critical role in disseminating timely and pertinent information to the wider community.

POSEIDON is committed to providing continuous, high-quality data on marine conditions along the Greek coast. This includes updated assessments of the marine environment, and high-resolution forecasts encompassing atmospheric, oceanographic, and ecosystem conditions.

The journey of the POSEIDON system has been marked by dynamic evolution during the JERICO-RI program. The website has been meticulously redesigned into a more user-friendly interface. Moreover, new services have been integrated, while the mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms have received significant upgrades. These enhancements have elevated visualisations and functionality. The revamped website stands as a testament to the success of these improvements in dissemination and outreach.

Finally, Anticipated funding for HIMIOFoT’s national RI is poised to catalyse the creation of an integrated infrastructure for managing Greece’s national water resources. Through strategic coordination and synergies among institutes and laboratories dedicated to marine and inland water research, POSEIDON envisions providing integrated services that will benefit both the scientific community and society at large. In this forward-looking pursuit, the POSEIDON system exemplifies a steadfast commitment to advancing marine research and environmental stewardship.

The Poseidon System