(short name)
COAST-HF MAREL Carnot buoy
(short name)
COAST-HF MAREL Carnot buoy
Boulogne sur mer harbour, France

Bottom depth
Legal name of organisation
The MAREL (Mesures Automatisées en Réseau pour l’Environnement Littoral) Carnot system developed and implemented by Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the sea) in 2004 is a moored buoy equipped with physico-chemical and biological measuring devices working in continuous and autonomous conditions. The system is located in the Boulogne-sur-Mer harbor (eastern English Channel) influenced both by marine coastal and fresh waters. The measuring station is equipped with high performance systems for seawater analysis and near real time data transmission. This system records with a high frequency resolution (20 minutes), the following parameters: estimated sea level, gust wind speed, wind from direction relative true north, horizontal wind speed, relative humidity, light irradiance surface PAR, sea temperature, practical salinity, ph, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, turbidity. For nitrate + nitrite, phosphate, silicate parameters the sampling frequency is set to 12 hours.
In 2019, MAREL Carnot will be equipped with a COSTOF2 (Communication and Storage Front-end, 2nd generation) which is a data communication and backup tool. The COSTOF2 will allow the reliable and synchronized connection of new sensors such as flow cytometer, FRRF, spectral fluorometer. These sensors are then coordinated and can be programmed via COSTOF2, using a web interface.
Modality of access under this proposal:MoA2. UA:day. Modality
used to declare access costs:TA-UC
Services currently offered: NRT access to physico-chemical and biological data (QA/QC + operational data flow via Coriolis).
Specifically devoted user interfaces to process data.
A support team formed by at least one technician, one head scientist will assist the user group, taking also care of installing/uninstalling operations. The user will have access to the infrastructure by car or by boat, this service will be arranged by the operator.
The users will also have access to specific user interfaces specifically devoted to MAREL Carnot data processing (QC, time alignment of the different sensors, data completion, statistics summary, classification, etc). The users may also have access to supplementary data (Low Frequency monitoring programmes, Earth Observation products) to optimize data interpretation