JERICO organized three calls for proposals requesting Transnational Access (TNA) to a chosen number of its infrastructures/installations. Visiting scientists, technologists and technicians from user groups working on approved projects have been provided local assistance by the operators of the infrastructures/installations they used. The access is provided free of charge, including all the logistical, technological and scientific support, as well as specific training, that is normally provided to external researcher using the infrastructure/installation.
The call programme is as follows.
1st Call | 2nd Call | 3rd Call | |
Opening of the call | 12 January 2012 | 14 January 2013 | 19 September 2013 |
Deadline | extended upto 3 April 2012 | extended upto 27 March 2013 | extended upto 25 November 2013 |
Evaluation | April – July 2012 | April – June 2013 | 31 January 2014 – Selection Panel meeting on 26 February 2014 |
Feedback to applicants | July 2012 | June 2013 | March 2014 |
Implementation of approved projects |
Completed | Completed | Completed |
Selection of projects
Submitted projects have been subjected to a three-step selection process involving:
Validation of each proposal by the manager of the targeted facility (feasibility assessment).
Evaluation by the Selection Panel (SP) based on scientific excellence, innovation and impacts on the state-of-the-art.
- final assessments by the SP.
(This procedure was changed by the Selection Panel after the First Call, for which step (i) followed step (ii), to avoid technically non-feasible proposals).
The selection criteria
The submitted proposals have been evaluated according to the following criteria for selection:
Fundamental scientific and/or technical value; potential interest to the research/service-provider community; originality and innovation.
Quality of the work program: clarity of presentation, adequacy in relation to set objectives.
Evaluation of risk and payoff
Potential for seeding links with Industry.
Quality of proposing user group.
European relevance.
The selection panel
The Selection Panel (SP) comprises members from the JERICO management team, the five members of the JERICO Scientific Advisory Committee and the three external experts on the Board of the JERICO Forum for Coastal Technology:
Stefania Sparnocchia, JERICO WP8 leader
Patrick Farcy, JERICO coordinator
Pascal Morin, JERICO WP1 coordination team
Dominique Durand, JERICO WP1 coordination team
Ingrid Puillat, JERICO WP1 coordination team
Janet Newton, SAC, University of Washington, USA
George Zodiatis, SAC, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Richard Dewey, SAC, University of Victoria, Canada
Hans Dalhin, SAC, Director of EUROGOOS
Roger Proctor, SAC, University of Tasmania, Australia
Franciscus Colijn, FCT, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
Laurent Mortier, FCT, ENSTA-LOCEAN, France
Alicia Lavin, FCT, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Spain
Approval of proposals
The final ratings of the submitted proposals have been ranked in descending order and approval was granted, starting with the proposal with the highest rating and then working downwards.
Priority have been given to projects where the user groups:
are working in countries where such research infrastructures/installations do not exist;
have not previously used the infrastructures/installations they are requesting access to.
The results of the selection have been published in the JERICO web site (1st Call), (2nd Call), (3rd Call).
The user group have been required to enter into an agreement with the manager of the infrastructure/installation chosen for its activities. The contract or agreement delineated the actions to be undertaken, the resources to be allocated, the length of planned user stays if any, and the period of use. It also defined the rights and obligations of the Parties involved, including eventual provisions for early termination.
Post-access requirements
After the end of the project, the user group leader must submit
A report describing the scientific output of the access received. The reports have been published in the JERICO web site and made available to the European Commission.
- The User Group Questionnaire aimed at assisting the Commission to evaluate the Research Infrastructures Action, to monitor the individual contracts, and to improve the services provided to the scientific community. Moreover, he/she was informed that:
- Any publications or patents resulting from the JERICO TA project must be reported to the host institute and the JERICO TNA office. Furthermore, all such publications or patents must also contain references to the JERICO grant agreement (no. 262584) and acknowledgements to the host institute.