JERICO-S3 Training Workshop on High Frequency Radars

The EuroGOOS HFR Task Team Annual Meeting took place in Firenze, Italy, from 21st to 22nd November 2022, gathering around 20 participants. The HFR Task Team meeting, which happened as a side event of the MONGOOS annual meeting, hosted the JERICO-S3 Training Workshop dedicated to the ‘New joint tools for the European HFR Community’.

The EuroGOOS HFR Task Team Annual Meeting started with a quick review of the ongoing Actions of the Task Team. Afterwards, the JERICO-S3 Training Workshop started with a presentation dedicated to the JERICO-CORE, with the title ‘JERICO Coastal Ocean Resource Environment (CORE) as a platform to support HFR activities’, followed by a presentation about the ‘HOORT (HFR Online Outage Reporting Tool): What is it and how does it work?’. ‘The European HFR Node: Quality Control on surface current data’ was also presented and discussed. The day ended with a discussion on the DOI strategy. 

The second day’s morning was dedicated to the HFR Waves, starting with a review of state of the art, followed by presentations about recent advances in HFR Waves from European operators. The morning ended with a discussion session about the HFR Wave data for Copernicus, gaps, and future steps for HFR Waves and Action Plan, with the final wrap-up and conclusions. The afternoon of the second day was focused on hands-on sessions of the ‘New joint tools for the European HFR Community’, with further insight, open discussion, and demonstrations for interested HFR operators. 

IH HFR Workshop Firenze Nov 2022