Task 2: Ferry box based monitoring of emerging marine contaminants:
Cruise 1: Bergen-Kierkenes route (Trol Fjord), 15 June 2016, 6 Days, Collection of water samples using Ferrybox automatic sampler. A broad set of emerging contaminants (including: antibiotics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, personal care products and synthetic food additives) will be analyze. The scope is to discover new contaminants and their spatial distribution at the scope of support Descriptor 8 of the EU MFSD.
Cruise 2: Moss-Cuxhaven-Immingham-Moss (LysBris), Foreseen 15 June (2016), 6 Days, as above
Cruise 3: Oslo-Kiell (Color Fantasy), Foreseen 12 August 2016, 2 Days, as above
Task 3: High resolution integrated monitoring of contaminant distribution and biological responses:
Cruise: Oslo Kiell (Color Fantasy), Foreseen 12 August 2016, High resolution monitoring (e.g. hourly) of several contaminants (see list above) including the Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (markers of oil pollution) will be carried out simultaneously to the collection of samples for the determination of Biomarkers of bacterias adapted on growing on oil pollution substrate.