Task 9.1: Coordination of the WP |
Task 9.2: Community of users in JERICO-RI: Analysis of Users and usage strategy |
Task 9.3: Preliminary Design of the JERICO-RI |
Task 9.4: Business plan of the JERICO-RI |
Task 9.5: Long term governance and way towards institutional, national, and other sustainability initiatives |
Task 9.5: Long term governance and way towards institutional, national, and other sustainability initiatives
M12-48 (Lead: IFREMER, Co-lead: EuroGOOS; Partners: HCMR + LTG Committee)
This task aims at engaging institutions and nations for long term commitments to JERICO-RI by proposing long term governance schemas to key future national shareholders and stakeholders. It will give emphasis on possible JERICO-RI structure with national nodes. The interaction process with nations and national RIs will be implemented through a dedicated Long Term Governance (LTG) committee aimed towards securing long-term commitments. The LTG committee will involve representatives of National RIs and key persons related to the ESFRI roadmap in ministries. They will meet once a year as side event of JERICO Week meetings (M1, M13, M25, M37, M48) plus months M30 & M42. Interactions with other EU RI initiatives are secured thanks to the WP2.
Committee for LTG, Chair: COV. France: ILICO (Ifremer or CNRS), Germany: COSYNA (Hereon), Finland: FINMARI (SYKE), Greece: POSEIDON (HCMR), Spain: SOCIB (SOCIB/Puertos del Estado), Norway (IMR), Italy (CNR), Croatia (IRB), Ireland (MI), Belgium (RBINS), Portugal (IH), Sweden (SMHI), Netherland (RWS), Denmark (DMI). Members of this committee will be nominated in the Consortium Agreement.
Subtask 9.5.1: Towards a long term governance of JERICO-RI
To progress on long term governance a two-fold action is needed: i) to structure JERICO in national nodes, ii) to connect national nodes in a hub of JERICO-RI with a formal governance and organisation.
1) Progress to structure national nodes of JERICO-RI: This will build on interaction with WP1, 2, 3, and 4 mostly to involve operators and regional site representatives at national and institutional levels, including those involved in other initiatives in order to define the structure at national level, and establish national nodes and their relations with the JERICO-ERIC or its final governance. The work will be organised by a working group for JERICO-Nodes chaired and co-chaired by Ifremer and EuroGOOS, respectively, and include key people of the consortium engaged with their national RIs to propose a structure of the JERICO-Nodes. 2) Definition of possible governance schemes of a JERICO-ERIC (result expressed in JERICO-NEXT /WP1: ERIC would be the best option financially). Several scenarios of organograms will be proposed to set up responsibilities and the functioning in between elements of the proposed organisations. This subtask will also consider back-up governance solutions including feasibility of a small secretariat, network or a legal entity such as an AISBL. The proposed structure and governance will be submitted to the LTG committee for feedback and will be reported in D9.4 (M42).
Subtask 9.5.2: Engagement of institutions and nations, and collaboration with other EU initiatives
After update of key deliverables for each country, such as those from WP1, 2, 3, and 4, following the communication strategy in subtask 10.5 (WP10), mechanisms to get nations and EU initiatives involved in the definition and preparation of a strategic document will be defined. This action will be led in close collaboration with the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) initiative, thanks to the partnership with EuroGOOS, to secure a mutually beneficial cooperation of the Marine domain in the framework of environmental RIs (ENVRI community). The outcome of this subtask will be reported in D9.6 (M46). A series of meetings will be held with institutions to gather and understand needs versus possibilities for engagements by M30, and a series of meetings with nations and node representatives will be held to gather and understand needs versus possibilities. Formal engagements are planned by M48 (D9.7). Key partners will apply to the ESFRI roadmap in 2019-2020 (M18).
Task 9.5: D9.4: Final version of the proposed organisation, structure, and long term governance (M42)
Task 9.5: D9.6: Common action plans with other RI initiatives and one with EOOS for the future (M46)
Task 9.5: D9.7 Report synthesising nation positions with regards to the expected commitments (M48).