Task 2.5

Task 2.1: Coordination and dissemination
Task 2.2: Collaboration and interoperability with marine, river and terrestrial RIs
Task 2.3: Interfacing with COPERNICUS and coastal-based industries
Task 2.4: Regional connectivity and link between scales and dynamics
Task 2.5: Interfacing with monitoring programmes, non-European OOS and the political realm

Interfacing with monitoring programmes, non-European OOS and the political realm

M1-46 (Lead: RWS, EuroGOOS, partners: RWS, HCMR, TALTECH, SYKE, DELTARES, EuroGOOS, Hereon, COV, AZTI, IEEE, SYKE)

Regular monitoring activities are to a large extent carried out by governance bodies and are embedded in a framework of EU directives and other legal requirements. Creating substantiated links with these establishments and bodies as well as other non-European RIs and exploring how these policy-driven needs can be supported by JERICO-RI is of high importance for creating a sustainable network.

Subtask 2.5.1: Contributions to information needs from the environmental policy realm (RWS, HCMR, TALTECH, SYKE, DELTARES)

This subtask investigates the needs from EU directives (MSFD) and Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs) in relation to (national) monitoring programmes early in the project. Products and services prototyped in WPs 3, 4 & 9 will be identified that can contribute to meeting these needs. An analysis of expectations from the policy realm versus JERICO-S3 products and services in the face of (institutional) challenges in joint use of RIs and innovative techniques will result in meeting documents to be submitted and presentations to be given at relevant RSC and EU meetings. The task team will join relevant RSC and EU level meetings, rather than organize new meetings. Key members of the task team already attend those meetings and participate in the policy network. D2.5: Report on planned joint activities with environmental and political entities (M46).

Subtask 2.5.2: Interactions with non-European Operational Oceanographic Systems (OOS) (EuroGOOS, Hereon, COV, AZTI, IEEE)

This subtask will focus on enhancing interaction between JERICO-RI and non-European operational oceanographic systems by building on links to US IOOS, ONC Canada and IMOS in Australia, established in JERICO-NEXT to facilitate new collaboration around common issues of technological and societal concern. To this end a workshop on best practices, innovative monitoring and technological developments (ACT: Alliance for Coastal Technologies) will be organised jointly with WP5 and 6 during ARWs. Additionally, a link to GEO will be established through EuroGEOSS. Links to developing oceanographic systems in adjacent regions including the Black Sea and North Africa will be strengthened by sharing existing and promising technologies and operational strategies.


Task 2.5: D2.4: Report on planned joint activities with US/Canada, Black Sea and North Africa (M44)

Task 2.5: D2.5: Report on planned joint activities with environmental and political entities (M46).