Action #2: Improved approximations of Primary Production

Objectives: Improve primary productivity estimates in oligotrophic waters where a large part of primary production is held most time of the year at depths that are not at satellite reach. Reliable measurements of PP are critical for understanding the carbon cycle and ecosystem function. Estimates will be done by optimising the quality of current datasets feeding model PP predictions and by going through innovative observation systems.

Action Lead and other Partners (with contact persons): CNRSMIO (Thyssen), HCMR (Frangoulis, Tsiaras), NIVA (King, Marty), SYKE (Seppälä, Ylöstalo)

JS3 Platforms included: Core platforms: E1-M3A and HCB fixed platforms, glider. Additional platforms: RV visits at HCB and E1-M3A

Other data sources and external partners for implementation: Simulated Primary Production (PP) from HCMR 3-D coupled model (POM-ERSEM-HALTAFALL), supported/validated by in situ data from platforms (T, Chla, O2, nutrients, plankton).

Overall timetable of action:

Dec 2020 to August 2022: In situ data collection for model improvement.

Feb 2022 to August 2022: Upgrading model with data collected.

Description of action:    

Key PSS features. Collaboration elements: i) transfer of knowledge from other partners, ii) linking observations with modelling, iii) linking with industry on PP sensing devices.

Upgraded model PP predictions tuned and validated against the collected data from several platforms: E1-M3A fixed platform (T, Chla, O2 at 20, 50, 75, 100 m); HCB fixed platform (SST; pH, pCO2); glider (T, S, O2 every 1m down to 1000m), RV visits at HCB and E1M3A (nutrients, plankton from subsurface until 120m). Focus will be given to improve the quality of Chl-a data (better QA of fluorescence sensors- see Action #5). Links between in situ variables and remote sensing products will also be examined. Eventually, also PP estimation data from sensors applied in situ (depending on the outcome of Action #5).

Best practices used or developed: to be defined with input from subtask 6.3.2.

Data flows: in situ data handled by CMEMS INS TAC.

Data QC routines: QC procedures comply with CMEMS INS TAC.

Data management issues: None expected at this stage.

Expected results: Improved understanding of primary production, prospecting deep layers (Deep Chlorophyll maximum), and of the implications to C export and trophic status. Evaluation of innovative sensors for trial and validation under oligotrophic conditions.

Users of results: Scientists (biologists, modelers), educators, students, EU directives (MSFD).

Dissemination of results: During the first year, progress disseminated via tweets and JERICO-S3, POSEIDON websites (common with in action #1). The first upgraded model results are shown in D4.3. Dissemination to modelling community workshops/conferences.

Links: Link to T2.4 for the coupling of observations and modelling communities. Direct links with WP5 and WP6 for data management and best practices for optical sensors. The use and testing of the elaborated best practices will be implemented. Link with Sea Water Sensing Laboratory @MIO Marseille datasets and testing of similar tools will be done. Especially on the study of pulsed events. AQUACOSM studies on pulsed events will be combined for integrated study at the Mediterranean scale. Coupling between NW-MED PSS data sets on PP as an integrative study may arise.