Task 3.2: Policies of e-JERICO
(M6 – M24) (RBINS, SOCIB, SMHI, All nations)
The aim of this task is to create the two main policies required to design the context in which the access to JERICO virtual resources will be provided and secured:
1. A Security Policy will be outlined, both considering the outputs from the user strategy (T4.1), and also the existing security measures and security gaps detected from the pilot e-JERICO. The security policy may be based on guidelines provided by EUDAT Security Policy in order to ensure that the following elements meet minimum requirements:
- The e-JERICO security management.
- Incident and vulnerability handling.
- Access controls.
- Network security.
- User and site security responsibilities.
- Physical security.
2. An Access Policy will be outlined to provide a framework that will cover all the specifics related to access to virtual resources considering the dispersion of their provenance (institutions, nations, regions and Pan-European infrastructures). This policy will define how JERICO-RI regulates, grants and supports Access to (potential) Users from academia, business, industry, public services and other societal sectors. The creation of this policy will be aligned with the “European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures – Principles and Guidelines for Access and Related Services”.
The upgrade and acceptance of the existing JERICO data access policy draft (JERICO-NEXT D5.1) may set the basis for the development of this JERICO virtual resources access policy. The outcome from this task will be integrated into WP5 Task 5.4 in order to consolidate the final JERICO-RI Access Policy. Both the policies for security and access to virtual resources will be considered by the e-JERICO Technical Design and also collected in WP5 through the T5.5 – Policy for sustaining excellence and performance.
Milestones: Draft access policy (M12), draft security policy (M18)
- T3.2 – D3.1: Outlined JERICO virtual resources Access and Security policies (M25)