JERICO-DS: Task 1.3

Task 1.1: Coastal national research landscapes within JERICO-RI
Task 1.2: Boundaries of JERICO-RI in the national landscapes of EU Environment RIs and contribution to global coastal observations
Task 1.3: Preliminary definition of Key Performance Indicators for scientific excellence

Task 1.3 Preliminary definition of Key Performance Indicators for scientific excellence


Task 1.3 will identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), guided by ESFRI recommendations and other environmental RIs, of the JERICO-RI to assess the scientific excellence and socio-economic impacts of the future JERICO-RI in operational phase. For example, KPIs for the strategic science objectives could be length of data time series, number of published, JERICO-RI-related articles, number of citations, number of services provided, number of projects granted, number of scientific users, number of external scientific collaboration, structuring effects of the RI on the scientific community (ex: number of joint actions, and publications), etc. The method will be based on an analysis of trends since the beginning of the JERICO series. Results from this analysis will funelled into Deliverable D5.2 “Report on updated JERICO-RI Label” which includes a list of possible KPIs of the JERICO-RI (WP5).

Milestone: Key Performance Indicators for an operational JERICO-RI to assess the scientific excellence and societal economic impacts (M18).