Hellenic Centre for Marine Research

Short name: HCMR |
JERICO-S3 contact name: George Petihakis |
JERICO-S3 email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
JERICO-DS contact name: Leonidas Perivoliotis |
JERICO-DS email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
HCMR is a governmental Research Centre operating under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (Greek Ministry of Education). It has the mandate to promote basic research in all fields of the aquatic environment and to deliver comprehensive scientific and technical support to the public. It is composed of three institutes: Oceanography, Marine Biological Resources & Inland Waters, Marine Biology, Genetics&Aquaculture. HCMR operates the 62m R/V Aegaeo, the 23m R/V Filia, and four ROVs. It is an active member of EuroGOOS & MedGOOS by developing a national monitoring/forecasting programme through the POSEIDON programme and by participating in EC and ESA funded research projects to develop European capacity in operational oceanography under the GMES and GEOSS umbrella. HCMR participates as full member in 4 ESFRI research infrastructures (Lifewatch, EuroArgo, EMSO, EMBRC). At national level, HCMR is involved in many national research and monitoring programs, including the national WFD and MSFD programmes (coordinator) as well as in the implementation of other European Directives such as the Habitat Directive, Natura2000, etc. At international level HCMR has been involved in studies in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and since 2011 in the Red Sea.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
WP1 Task 1.4. Next generation European coastal observing system
WP2Task 2.2. Collaboration and interoperability with marine, river and terrestrial RIs
Task 2.5. Interfacing with monitoring programmes, non-European OOS and the political realm
WP4Task 4.1. Coordination and dissemination of Pilot SuperSite implementation
Task 4.2. Innovative monitoring and science strategy for Pilot Supersite implementation
Subtask 4.2.4. Pilot Supersite at Cretan Sea; Cretan-PSS
WP5 Task 5.1. Functional homogenisation support and tools for mature coastal observing platforms - Steering Team 4: Fixed Platforms
Task 5.2. Procedures and best practices for observing biological and biogeochemical variables from JERICO-RI platform. Task 5.3. Performance Monitoring for the operation and integration of JERICO-RI platforms
WP6Task 6.1 Coordination
Subtask 6.2.2: Activities on “mature” platforms with physical and BGC parameters
Task 6.4 Data management support activities
WP9 Task 9.3. Preliminary Design of the JERICO-RI. Task 9.5. Long term governance and way towards institutional, national and other sustainability initiatives
JERICO-DS: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
HCMR will be involved in coleading WP4 on Sustainability, responsible for Task 4.3: Design of national commitment framework, and Task 4.4: Socio Economic Impact Assessment. Moreover, HCMR will be involved in WP1, WP2, WP3, WP5 and WP6 as nation representative.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
HCMR will be actively involved in the project activities. In more detail, through the experience and participation in international bodies it will lead WP5 on Data Management, considering the experience and the capacity building since 2010 - HCMR is responsible for the Mediterranean Data Portal for all real-time data. It will also lead together with IFREMER WP3 on Technology and Methodology Developments while it will have an active role in WP1 Integrated Science Strategy and Governance from local to European Scales, WP2 Harmonisation of technologies and methodologies: technical strategy, WP4 Valorisation with synthesis cases. Furthermore it will contribute to the project infrastructure (WP6 & WP7) with the existing coastal nodes of the POSEIDON system (Fixed Platforms and Ferry Box) while a new strategically placed coastal Fixed Platform will be also established in the gulf of Heraklion.
Tasks attributed to HCMR in the project:
Leader of WP3 & WP5
Leader of the tasks: 1.5, 2.2, 2.6, 3.4
Participant in tasks: 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
Relevant Projects- previous and existing:
EuroSITES, acted towards the integration and enhancement of the existing European open-ocean observational capacity to encompass the ocean interior, seafloor and subseafloor. It has established a more reliable ocean observatory network with common funding streams and data management systems.
MyOcean, The MyOcean, MyOcean2 and MyOcean follow-on projects, have been designed to prepare and to lead the demonstration phases of the future Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service.
Euro-Argo-PP, Euro-Argo having been endorsed by the ESFR (European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures), the Preparatory Phase Project main objective was to organize and consolidate the European contribution and to set up a research infrastructure in support of the global Argo program.
JERICO, main challenge is to increase the coherence and the sustainability of the dispersed coastal observing infrastructures by addressing their future within a shared pan-European framework.
FixO3, the FixO3 seeks to integrate European open ocean fixed-point observatories and to improve access to these key installations for the broader community. These will provide multidisciplinary observations in all parts of the oceans from the air-sea interface to the deep seafloor.
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
Leoforos Athens Sounio 46.7 KM
19013, Attikis Anavissos