AZTI Foundation

Short name: AZTI |
Contact name: Julien Mader and Anna Rubio |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
AZTI is a private non-for-profit technological and research organization. Since 1981 its activities have been focused on developing sustainable products, services and business initiatives aimed at transforming science into sustainable and healthy development for society today and for the future. With a staff of 240 people, the fields of expertise include operational oceanography, marine management, implementation of EU directives, marine spatial planning, fish stock assessment, physical and biological oceanography, marine dynamics and modelling, marine environmental systems and marine technologies. AZTI has been coordinator of 6 EU research projects and active participant in over 60 EU-funded projects. In Operational Oceanography, AZTI combines a long experience in EU projects (ECOOP, LOREA, OPERR, SPRES, JERICO, JERICO_NEXT, INCREASE, MYCOAST) with 17 years operating the Basque Coastal Observing Network (EuskOOS) in the SE Bay of Biscay, that is sustained by the Regional authorities. EuskOOS aims to provide crucial information for application on safety and efficiency of marine operations, public health risks, and ecosystem and marine resources management. It is also worth noting that the team is highly involved in key initiatives for coordination and development of th operational oceanography in Europe (EuroGOOS members, chairing HFR Task Team, CO-chairing IBIROOS and Coastal working group).
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
AZTI will lead WP1 aiming to design and setup innovative monitoring approach and prospective for the JERICO-RI.
In WP2, AZTI will be involved in Task 2.B interfacing with satellite SAR community and CMEMS.
As IRS leader in WP3, AZTI will coordinate the activities in the Bay of Biscay, contributing in the development of activities related to harmonisation and data integration.
AZTI will lead WP5 and the management of the harmonization of the different systems of JERICO-RI. Then, AZTI will be involved in the technical teams dealing with HF Radars, Fixed Platform and Environmental DNA, and in the design and implementation of Key Performance Indicators.
In WP7, AZTI will lead a pilot case for developing tools based on HF Radars.
And finally, AZTI will offer Trans National Access to AUV and slope buoy, and provide Virtual Access services on HF Radar products.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
AZTI-Tecnalia operates for more than 13 years the Coastal Observatory developed with regional funding from the Basque Government in the South-Eastern Bay of Biscay, transbaundery area between France and Spain. In fact, the observatory leads to provide necessary information in crucial and cross-border issues for coastal populations such as safety and efficiency of marine operations, public health risks, or, ecosystem and marine resources management. This experience will be used for leading harmonization and best practises on fixed platforms and new sensors in WP2. AZTI-Tecnalia will be highly involded around tasks leading with HF radar technology, including Harmonization in WP2, new Developments on current observations in WP3, data managment in WP5 and virtual access in WP6. AZTI-Tecnalia will lead the Synthesis Case on trans-boundary hydrography and transport in WP4, coordinatig the Joint Reasearch Activities on that topic. AZTI-Tecnalia will provide this expertise in the strategic activities in WP1. Moreover, an integrated team of AZTI-Tecnalia will contribute in WP1 from the high experience in MSFD implementation (WGs, papers, FP7 DEVOTES coordination).
Relevant Projects- previous and existing
COMBAT, Combination of Altimetry and HF radar observations for coastal data assimilation.
Copernicus Service Evolution project; 66-SE-CMEMS-CALL2. 2018-2020
CMEMS-TAC-INSITU, Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, provision of in-situ ocean observation products. 2018-2021. Involved in the HF Radar implementation.
MYCOAST, Coordinated Atlantic Coastal Operational Oceanographic Observatory. INTERREG Atlantic Area. PI of the project. 2017-2020
LIFE LEMA: Intelligent marine Litter removal and management for local authorities. Demonstration of the feasibility of a sustainable management strategy to address floating marine litter.
Operational oceanography services. LIFE15 ENV/ES/000252. 2016-2019.
MAREA: Modelling and management support against coastal risks in the Basque Coast. INTERREG Va. Innovative observing and warning systems; Impact of extreme stormy events. 2016-2019.
INCREASE, Innovation and Networking for the integration of Coastal Radars into European mArine Services. Copernicus Service Evolution project; Lot5. PI of the project. 2016-2018.
IBISAR: Skill Assessment service to provide real-time met-ocean data ranking in the IBI area for emergency responders (SAR operators). User Uptake CMEMS, call for tenders 67-UU-DO-CMEMS-DEM4.
JERICO-NEXT, Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel.European eXpertise for coastal observaTories. H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015. Main
contributions in HF Radar activities are: Harmonization, Networking, Products developments, Data management, Virtual access. 2015-2019.
AZTI Foundation
Txatxarramendi ugartea z/g
48395, Sukarrieta