(short name)
CNR ISMAR Observing System
(short name)
Sicily Channel Observatory
Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea

SiCO1: 37.380° N; 11.591° E SiCO2: 37.285° N; 11.5° E
Bottom depth
SiCO1: 450 m SiCO2: 530 m
Legal name of organisation
National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
SiCO is a twin-mooring system placed in a key area connecting the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea. Equipped with current profilers and CTD probes, it continuously monitor surface and intermediate exchange of water masses and properties between the basins. A pCO2 probe is installed in SiCO1 near the bottom to widen the contribution of the observatory to climate studies and ocean acidification research. The site is part of the CIESM Hydro-Changes Programme.
Web site address:
Measured Parameter(s)
Frequency of data transmission
ADCP RDI 300kHz Sentinel
Current Profiles, Temperature
from -410 to 10 m
-410 m for T
60 min
ca. every 6 months
SBE37 + SBE63
Temperature, Conductivity/Salinity, Pressure, Dissolved Oxygen,
-400 m
30 min
ca. every 6 months
Contros Hydro-C CO2
Partial pressure of CO2
-400 m
3600 min
ca. every 6 months
Nortek Continental
Current profiles, Temperature
230 m to 10 m
60 min
ca. every 6 months
-80 m
10 min
ca. every 6 months
Measured Parameter(s)
Frequency of data transmission
Nortek Continental
Current profiles, Temperature
230 m to 10 m
60 min
ca. every 6 months
Temperature, Conductivity/Salinity
373 m
15 min
ca. every 6 months
Current profiles, Temperature
From 378 m to 230
60 min
ca. every 6 months
- Remote: the measuring system is implemented by the operator of the installation and the presence of the user group is not required,
- Partially remote: the presence of the user group is required at some stage e.g. installing and un-installing user’s equipment.
Unit of access (UA): 6-months.
A user or a user group shall be given access to the infrastructure for specific experiments, tests of sensors and in-situ validation, or to collect additional data to the ones already acquired by the operator.
Access duration corresponds to the period of installing, operating and un-installing a measuring system by the users (partially remote access) or in his/her behalf by the access provider (remote access).
TNA projects supported by JERICO-NEXT:
A support team will assist the user group, helping during installing/uninstalling operations of their equipment. The user will have access to the installation by boat or research vessel, this service will be arranged by the operator.
Data will be available in delayed mode at the end of the 6 months access period.
Researchers accessing the installation by boats must provide an insurance statement and must bring their own safety equipment.
Whenever possible, the start and end of an access interval will be set to coincide with times scheduled for the ordinary maintenance of the installation in the interests of financial economy (e.g. limiting the costs of boat-time, etc.).