Task 4.1

Task 4.1: Coordination and dissemination of Pilot Supersite implementation
Task 4.2: Innovative monitoring and science strategy for Pilot Supersite implementation
Task 4.3: Implementation of JERICO Pilot Supersites

Coordination and dissemination of Pilot Supersite implementation (SYKE, HCMR) M1-M38

Steering of WP4 takes into account individual PSSs, their conceptual linkage, and links to other WPs. Task 4.1 reviews periodically each PSS using physical and virtual meetings, and providing guidance in forthcoming actions. Task 4.1 contributes to All Region Workshops and organises topical sessions for PSSs and other WPs. It acts as a funnel for all PSSs to interact on Best Practices (WP5 and WP6), data flows (WP6, WP11), technology developments (WP7), VA and TA (WP11, WP8-TA, WP8-VA), and dissemination (WP10). Task 4.1 interacts with WP1, WP2 and WP3 in the PSS planning phase (Task 4.2) and by providing synthesis of PSS progress, while PSS partners are active in topical links when related to their specific objectives. Task 4.1 interacts with WP9 (analysis of users and design of JERICO-RI) by reporting and synthesising PSS activities.

Task 4.1 facilitates PSSs, jointly with WP2, to connect with regional initiatives and other environmental RIs.

Task 4.1 coordinates deliverables, while partners contribute to the content relevant to the objectives of their PSS. Work starts by setting up a PSS-specific implementation plan in Task 4.2, (D4.1 Regionalised innovative monitoring and science strategy at each PSS) in collaboration with WP1 and WP2. It will be revised after 1 year of PSS implementation (D4.2 Assessment and refinement of D4.1) and disseminated to WP1, WP2 and WP9. The JRA, detailed in Task 4.3, will be disseminated through a D4.3 (Progress report of PSS implementation) and D4.4 (Assessment of PSS implementation) containing a report on scientific and institutional advances, synthesis of PSS implementation, and analyses of the progress in the integration, innovation and delivery of data and products. D4.4. also reports critical self-evaluation of PSS success with an outlook on coastal Supersites and contribution towards a sustainable JERICO-RI (WP9).


Task 4.1: D4.3 (M22) Progress report of PSS implementation. Reporting especially regional integration, data flows, and development of products. Report modified workplan, responding to the feedback from D4.2.

Task 4.1: D4.4 (M38) Assessment of PSS implementation and outlook on JERICO-RI Supersites. Synthesis of PSS implementation, analysing the progress in the integration, innovation, and delivery of data and products. Report on institutional and scientific advances. Self-evaluation of PSS success, feeding to WP1 and WP9 in making JERICO-RI scientific strategy.