Spanish Council of Research

Short name: CSIC |
Contact name: Alejandro Orfila |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
The Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is the largest public multidisciplinary research organisation in Spain. CSIC collaborates with national and International universities, public RTD organisations, SMEs, companies and other institutions of a scientific/technological nature.
It has a staff of more than 13,500 employees, among these about 3,500 are permanent researchers and more than 4,000 are pre- and post-doctoral researchers.
The CSIC has 126 institutes or centres distributed throughout Spain, including 50 Joint Research Units with universities or other research institutions. There is also a delegation in Brussels.
It has considerable experience in both participating and managing RTD projects and training of research personnel.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
The main task of IMEDEA-CSIC will be the development of specific target experiments regarding HF- Radar and lagrangian experiments in the Baleric Sea area.
Relevant Projects- previous and existing
Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety. MEDESS-4MS. MED PROGRAMME TOSCA. Tracking Oil Spils and Coastal Awardness. MED PROGRAMME
Referencia: 2GMed09-425 IMPORTE:150.000€
Wave current interaction and sediment transport: A bussiness Approach. BUS-1 CTM2009-12072
Spanish Council of Research
Calle Serrano 117
28006, Madrid