The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Short name: CEFAS |
Contact name: Veronique Creach |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
Cefas is an internationally renowned aquatic scientific research and consultancy centre. CEFAS aim to be the prime source of high quality science used to conserve and enhance the UK’s aquatic environment, promote sustainable management of its natural resources, and protect the public from aquatic contaminants. CEFAS has a staff complement of over 500 based at two specialist laboratories within the UK, and our own ocean-going research vessel, RV Cefas Endeavour. Cefas works closely with the UK government and international agencies to monitor the marine environment and to demonstrate our compliance with national and international marine legislation. CEFAS is actively looking for methods that can improve our evidence base, are fully transparent at all stages, are robust enough to withstand scrutiny, and are cost-effective. As such, CEFAS has been at the forefront of developing operational oceanographic instruments for measuring the physical and biological environment. Our Wavenet and SmartBuoy systems have been providing high quality in situ data since 2000, and CEFAS is increasingly using integrated data analysis tools to combine in situ, model and satellite measurements. Recently, Cefas has developed CefMAT which proposes assessment tools and CMEMS products for researchers and policy makers.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Cefas will contribute to 1. WP4 as a contributor in the PSS/NorthSea and Channel, 2. WP5 as a contributor in task Task 5.2, 3. WP6 as a co-lead of the workpackage and leader of the task 6.3 for data management activities on selected biological and biogeochemistry sensor types, 4. WP8 as a partner offering TNA and VA (WP11) infrastructures, 5. WP10 as the organiser of a workshop in task 10.3.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
WP1 – lead subtask on Literature review and contribute to other subtasks
WP2 – participate in workshops and laboratory exercises with regard to performance of ph and dissolved oxygen sensor performance
WP4 –work on pelagic biodiversity and participation in workshops
WP6 – leader, work coordinating Virtual Service Access
WP7 – co-lead, work coordinating Transnational Service Access
WP8 – Leader of WP and co leader for task on creating and end-user panel, lead sub task to ‘inform and engage professional end-users, co-leading task on enhancing human capacity building, leading sub task on developing peer links with international consortia.
Relevant Projects- previous and existing:
Development of UK-Integrated Marine Observing Network (UK-IMON) Defra funding, 2012 – 2014
Research to improve understanding and assessment of ecosystem health Defra funding, 2009 – 2013
European COastal-shelf sea OPerational monitoring and forecasting system (ECOOP), EU GMES 2006-2010.
Joint European Research Infrastructure for Coastal Observatories - JERICO (EU FP7: 2011-2015), JERICO-NEXT (EU H2020: 2015-2019)
MyOcean (EU FP7: 2009-2012).
Dymaphy: Development of a DYnamic observation system for the assessment of MArine water quality, (intereg-2seas, 2010-2014)
DEVOTES: DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status (EU FP7: 2012-2016)
HIGHROC: HIGH spatial and temporal Resolution Ocean Colour products and services, 2014-2017
AlterECO: An Alternative Framework to assess Marine Ecosystem Functioning in Shelf Seas (UKRI fundings), 2017-2020.
The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Area 1A, Nobel House, Smith Square 17
SW1P 3JR, London
United Kingdom