Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
AZTI BHFR (Basque HF Radar)
Web site address:   Location
www.euskalmet.euskadi.net SE Bay of Biscay

Description of the infrastructure: This HF radar system is composed of two CODAR Seasonde antennae (transmit frequency 4.525 MHz); The geographical positions of the antennas, located in the Northern Spanish Coast, are: Matxitxako antenna 43o 27.350′ N 2o 45.163′ W; and Higer antenna 43o 23.554′ N 1o 47.745′ W. The measuring area in the South-eastern Bay of Biscay is 43o24’N-44o20’N 1o20’W-3o00’W. 

Services currently offered by the infrastructure: Access through WMS/WFS and web services and through European data infrastructure (EuroGOOS). This infrastructure offers many benefits for the Basque Operational Oceanography Network such as: the improvement of the knowledge about surface currents and their forcing physical processes, marine safety, search and rescue, pollution response, validation and calibration of both hydrodynamic and pollutant drift forecasting models, data assimilation on progress, etc.

Support offered under this proposal: The access to raw radial data and processed 2D surface currents will be offered to the users for scientific and applied purposes (Coastal processes, marine safety, search and rescue, pollution response, etc). Scientific support will be provided on previous validation works on the HF radar system and on the exploitation of the data. Technical supports will be also provided for producing advanced real time and short term prediction products (mesoscale circulation, transport, etc), for validation and data assimilation of models in the Bay of Biscay, and for comparitive studies with otYher observing systems.

Outreach to new users: Diffusion in European data Infrastructure through ROOSs structure: EMODnet Physics.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
CNRS SPI-S (Sediment Profile Imagery Software)
Web site address:   Location
http://spiarcbase.epoc.u-bordeaux1.fr/ Arcachon, France

Description of the infrastructure: Sediment Profile Imagery (SPI) provides a sound and cost effective alternative to classical fauna analysis in assessing the ecological quality of benthic habitats composed of cohesive sediments (Labrune et al 2012). These characteristics confer to this technique a high potential in the development of long term monitoring project over large spatial scales such as requested by the WFD and even more so by the MSFD. This technique however still suffers from the complexity and the nature which is derived from images, which makes it highly operator-dependent. Along this lines, the CNRS has developed a software (i.e., SPIArcBase) specifically designed for the semi-automated analysis of SPI during the I3 project JERICO (Romero et al 2013).

Services currently offered by the infrastructure: Within JERICO-Next, we will go one step further and will make the software available online, together with a technical assistance to its use, as a virtual access service. The objectives by doing so are to:

  • (1) enlarge the community of SPIARcBase users,
  • (2) in return pursuing the improvement of the software by improving its components based on “learning” approaches (eg computation of the apparent Redox Potential Discontinuity), and
  • (3) provide a complete and comprehensive service offer regarding SPI in relation with the TNA that JERICO Next is also providing to new field deployments of the SPI hardware (cf. WP7).

Related publications :

Labrune, C., Romero-Ramirez, A., Amouroux, J.M., Duchêne, J.C., Desmalades, M., Escoubeyrou, K., R.Buscail, Grémare, A., 2012. Comparison of ecological quality indices based on benthic macrofauna and sediment profile images: A case study along an organic enrichment gradient of the Rhône River. Ecological Indicators 12 133-142

Romero-Ramirez A., Grémare A., Desmalades M., Duchêne J.C., 2013. Semi-automatic analysis and interpretation of sediment profile images. Environmental Modelling & Software 47 42-54

Support offered under this proposal: Assistance in use of software, image interpretation and computation of ecological quality indices.

Outreach to new users: EU funding will allow the new users to get assistance for the use of a software composed of several complex procedures both in terms of image analysis techniques and data management procedures. New users of sediment profiling imaging will also benefit from the ecological expertise of the EPOC benthic ecology research group.

This assistance will clearly contribute to an increase in the number of users. The use of sediment profile imagery is currently increasing within different fundamental (i.e., study of bioturbation) and applied (benthic habitat quality assessment) fields. Several European countries (eg, France, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, England and Greece) are already equipped with the hardware and the need to monitor large spatial areas will further increase the uptake of this technique.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
IH MONICAN (Monitoring of Nazare Canyon)
Web site address:   Location
http://monican.hidrografico.pt/ Nazare, Portugal

Description of the infrastructure: Fixed point observing system comprised of: MONICAN 1 – a real-time multiparametric buoy moored over bottom depths of 2100m and equipped with a wave sensor, a 3m height meteorological mast (anemometer, air pressure, air temperature and relative humidity), sensors for temperature, fluorescence-chlorophyll, dissolved O2 and oil-spill at 1m below surface, sensors for temperature at 20m, 50m,100m and 200m below surface, ADCP with currents at 32 bins depths from 12m to 105m (3m resolution); MONICAN 2 – a real-time multi-parametric buoy moored over bottom depths of 90m and equipped with a wave sensor, a 3m height meteorological mast (anemometer, air pressure, air temperature and relative humidity), sensors for temperature, fluorescence-chlorophyll, turbidity, dissolved O2 at 1m below surface, ADCP with currents at 32 bins from 12m to bottom (3m resolution); 2 radar tide gauges (type Vegapuls61), one installed in the port of Nazare and the second one installed in the port of Peniche, each one measuring sea level with a sampling interval of 1 minutes.

Services currently offered by the infrastructure: Real-time data from 4 fixed platforms, derived products (6 hourly observations and forecasts), archived reprocessed data (for each 6 month periods). Data available via IH webpage, presently in graphic and table form but formats will be extended as part of the proposed service.

Support offered under this proposal:

  • a) Reports with information about real-time data for each platform (types of sensors, existing processing, existing QC)
  • b) For archive data, reports on processed data; c) helpdesk for users.

Outreach to new users: Publicise the available information and the potentiality of the infrastructures:

  • (a) to the scientific community (through participation in national and international conferences),
  • (b) to the local authorities (contacts with coastal municipalities, maritime and port authorities, economical agents) and (c) to the general public and schools.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
Ifremer Eulerian observatory network data service
Web site address:   Location
www.coriolis.eu.org Brest, FRANCE

Description of the infrastructure: The infrastructure relies on the CORIOLIS data management system which gathers expertise on IT technologies, marine data management and quality control for both open ocean (e.g. ARGO, MYOCEAN) and shallow water (JERICO1, RECOPESCA, PREVIMER) observations.

The observatories currently managed by the data service infrastructure sea level, river flows and ocean physics (temperature, salinity).

Services currently offered by the infrastructure: The Eulerian observatory network data service provides to operators of observatories and data users:

  • ingestion (collection and integration) of the raw data flows from the transmission system of the platform and long term archive in CORIOLIS database
  • quality control by automated and manned visual processes by experts managing various water column observations in sismer/coriolis team at Ifremer.
  • Advanced web interface for near real time dissemination with subsetting of the controlled datasets with visualisation and download (csv and netcdf) function. Users need to be authenticated to download datasets

Support offered under this proposal: The SISMER/CORIOLIS team will consider the new observatories to be managed by the infrastructure so that their data are collected and loaded (ingested) in real time or near real time in the CORIOLIS database. The new data flow will be qualified in real time through automated procedure. The observations may also be visually qualified by an expert in near real time or delayed mode depending on the requirement for the user’s observatory. The data are disseminated (visualization, download) through the web interface.

Outreach to new users: Currently the data are assimilated through observatory dedicated batch procedures run on a regular basis. The flexibility of the data system will be improved so that the system can be quickly configured to collect new observatories data. The quality assessment procedures will be improved to better consider the shallow water specificities according to an analysis report done after PREVIMER experiment by Charria et al. The style of the web interface may also be upgraded to match state-of-the-art standard of web systems.